Friday, February 05, 2010

Here's something to do while waiting for snowpocalypse, snowmagedden, the blizzard of 2010 . . .

Re-watch the premiere on hulu and play the Lost drinking game . . .

courtesy of Sci Fi Wire, where you can find additional bingo cards . . .


jane said...

Lost and a drinking game! Love it. Still catching up.

xoxoxo said...

Let me know when you feel like talking. I have some wacky theories about this wacky show. So glad you suggested I watch it, I'm enjoying it. I guess when it's all over I will have to go back and re-watch it, to see if it al makes sense.

jane said...

Oh have a peek at my reply to your comment under Alternate Realities on Brigitte. I should have just posted it here. It's a snippet of one of my theories and a link I found today.

xoxoxo said...

I just checked out the link. I was thinking about Set & Osiris too, but didn't even make the Horus/Horace connection. I think there are a lot of mythologies being mixed (Greek, Egyptian, biblical) sort of like a joseph Campbell's island. Maybe the island is where myths originate - or religion? I have been thinking about the smoke monster. Some episode called in Cerberus, which was the 3 headed god of the Greek underworld. It has been called a temple guardian, too. But sometimes it deliberately does not attack (Eko, John Locke) and sometimes it attacks and kills (John Locke, others)

There are theories all over the internet about how t might end. I don't really want to look that far ahead. I'd rather sit back and enjoy the ride. But I do think that all of the Losties are there for a reason, even if they don't know the reason. Isn't that the basis of all religion - why are we here, etc?

I do think that Jack will become major to the island, like Jacob or Richard. I'm not sure about Locke anymore. Will Sawyer? Like Locke, he was the only one who once there, never really wanted to leave.

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