Friday, January 25, 2013

dorothy parker on marilyn monroe

In my research on Marilyn Monroe I recently came across this letter written in February 1962 by Dorothy Parker to her friend, playwright John Patrick. In it she complains to him how Hollywood botched up a piece, "The Good Soup," a "nice little innocent French farce" that she had written for Marilyn. Another item to add to the "if only" list, as the lovely star was gone only six months later.

Parker was not only witty, but observant and wise. She writes of Marilyn, " ... [she] can't help her behavior. She's always in terror. Not so different from you and me, only much prettier!"


From The Portable Dorothy Parker a deluxe 2006 edition, which added personal letters and other items.

Apparently Marilyn had her own copy of The Portable Dorothy Parker — the first edition was released in 1944.


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